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For Investors

Relationship Summary for Retail Investors
Concord International Investments
667 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10065

Website address:

This relationship summary gives you a summary of the types of services we provide and how you pay for those services.  The name of our firm is Concord International Investments.
Concord International Investments provides investment supervisory services to its clients by rendering investment advice and managing investments on a discretionary basis based on the individual needs of its clients. At the beginning of its relationship with a client, Concord, together with you, will establish individualized investment guidelines and an appropriate investment strategy which will reflect your investment objectives and tolerance for risk.  We provide our clients with a detailed analysis of their accounts on a quarterly basis. Concord’s objective is capital preservation and portfolio appreciation over the long term.
Our services and fees are different from those of a broker-dealer.  We are not a broker-dealer.  It is important for you to understand the differences between how we serve our clients, in contrast to the services of a broker-dealer.
Services and Fees

We will offer you advice on a regular basis. We will discuss your investment goals, design with you a strategy to achieve your investment goals, and regularly monitor your account. We will communicate with you at least quarterly to discuss your portfolio.
All accounts that we manage allow us to buy and sell investments in your account without asking you in advance.  Such accounts are often referred to as “discretionary accounts”.
If you open an advisory account, you will pay an on‐going asset‐based fee at the beginning of each quarter for our services, based on the value of the cash and investments in your advisory account.
Concord’s fees for investment advice in respect to each investment account are charged as a percentage of assets under management calculated with respect to the market value of the assets in such accounts.

Concord has policies and procedures to ensure that all clients are treated fairly and equitably. Since Concord does not accept performance-based fees this does not influence trade allocations.

In most cases, the minimum amount required to open an account invested in equities is $1.5 million, and for an account invested in fixed-income securities, $10 million. 
Concord does not participate in soft dollar arrangements.

There is no disciplinary history, reportable or otherwise, for Concord or for any of its financial professionals.  Concord’s business practices do not create any material conflicts of interest between the interests of Concord and those of its clients. 

 You may find additional information about Concord on the website of the Concord group.  That can be found at:  Furthermore, should you have more detailed questions about your relationship with us, please phone our New York office at (212) 759-2375.

Questions you may want to ask us:  
1.         Given my financial situation, why should I choose an advisory account that is a discretionary account?
2.         Are there any costs in addition to the quarterly asset-based fees that I should expect to pay Concord in connection                   with my account?
3.         How will you choose investments to recommend for my account?
4.         How often will you monitor my account’s performance and offer me investment advice?
5.         Who is the primary contact person for my account?  What can you tell me about their licenses, education, and other                   qualifications?

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